Monday, January 16, 2006
The Noodles Box Read Lazanya

All I'm saying is, sometimes Turkish noodles, Hungarian tomatoes, Kyrgyz mushrooms, Russian cheese, a French cream sauce, and four Americans can come together to be something wonderful. I'm not talking world peace or anything, but a good Sunday dinner is something to celebrate if you ask me. No, it was not the best-looking lasagna I've ever made. No, we were not sure the cheese was going to melt. No, we weren't sure if the ground meat we bought was lamb or beef. But in the end it was damn tasty. And a tasty Central Asian lasagna is worth something in my book. Huzzah!

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Privet, sluchaino natknulsya na tvoyu stranichku. Ocheny ponravilasy!
Srazu rodinu vspomnil Ya zhil na ul.Toktogula-Belinskogo
Esli interesno pishi na
ili stuchi v ICQ 225-833-913
Srazu rodinu vspomnil Ya zhil na ul.Toktogula-Belinskogo
Esli interesno pishi na
ili stuchi v ICQ 225-833-913
and, the limits to your talents are endless. we will expect nothing but the same when you're back on U.S. soil.
how well can you translate the 2nd comment? my take is that they wanted your recipe!
how well can you translate the 2nd comment? my take is that they wanted your recipe!
Essentially, it says they found the page by accident and found it "very entertaining." Plus they're currently living in Bishkek a few blocks from us. And, as you could probably guess, those are email and phone numbers at the end there.
That about does it. And here I thought there'd never be another comment on this blog ever again... ;p
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That about does it. And here I thought there'd never be another comment on this blog ever again... ;p
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