Thursday, February 23, 2006


From Human Resources

Dear Faculty and Staff!

We remind you that February 23, Fatherland Defender Day, will be a day off for the AUCA faculty and staff, when according to academic calendar there will be no classes on this day.

We wish to acknowledge the great historical contributions represented by the defenders of the fatherland holiday and to extend congratulations to our gentleman colleagues!


On behalf of the gentlemen colleagues, let me take this opportunity to say thank you. It's tough work, but we defend as we go. A little here and a little there keeps the Fatherland in good defense. We're happy to anonymously defend, but we do appreciate the recognition. There have been some familiar rumblings lately along the lines of the best defense is a strong offense. Well, we wouldn't know about that. As is implied in your message, we are defenders, not offenders. As far as we can see, the best defense is very simply a strong defense. We adapt well to attack, but we dislike change. But I digress. Again, thank you for your kind words. We'll be sure to extend the same good cheer to you lady colleagues on March 8, when we again take a day away from work in order to celebrate the national holiday that is Woman's Day. In the meantime, watch your back. We've got a Fatherland to defend!

I miss you and E. This post just made me laugh out loud. ..and that whole defending the fatherland thing...well, you know, keep up the good work ...
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