Friday, February 24, 2006

In the news:
Alpine Skiing: As many competitors -- 41 -- failed to finish (DNF, DNS or DQ) in the men's giant slalom as actually finished the race. But, in the end, Kyrgyz skier Ivan Borisov, 26, finished 41st. His time after two runs was 3:37.10 -- more than a minute behind the gold medallist and a full half-minute behind the next-to-last finisher, and can be attributed to a very poor first run (his second run was much more in line with the rest of the field, while still last). Borisov is Kyrgyzstan's lone athlete at these Games.
After an exhaustive search (that is to say, I was exhausted), I cannot find a picture of this guy anywhere. It seems that coming from a country that elicits the same sort of confused look from most Westerners as a dog who's just been shown a card trick and finishing last in your Olympic event does not afford you good PR. Too bad. I've tried to convince Erin to write some money into her next grant application to get this guy some screen time, but she seems resistant for some reason.
Thanks Danit! (I'm 'delurking' you once and for all!)