Monday, April 24, 2006
From the Whosiwhatsit? Files (& AKIPress)

Osh, 21 April: A peaceful rally was held at the foot of the Sulayman mountain in Osh [southern Kyrgyzstan] today. Over 200 people who attended it protested against holding rallies.
The rally was mainly attended by leaders and representatives of organizations and enterprises in the town of Osh, deputies of the town council, leaders of public organizations and political parties. Some people said that they came from Kara Su and Uzgen districts [of Osh Region] and even [northern] Chuy Region.
The protesters said that they supported Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev's policy and protested against holding rallies.
A rally against rallies? Protesting against protesting? I can't help but think of the late Mitch Hedberg’s “I really hate picketing but I don’t know how to show it.” It doesn’t strike me as very complimentary for a group of adults to be living out a Mitch Hedberg joke. In fact, it seems like a really, really bad idea. And a little bit sad.
But than again, I’m very confused. Apparently as confused as the good people of Osh.
Filed under: Kyrgyzstan, Osh, protest, and Mitch Hedberg.