Tuesday, April 25, 2006


T-Minus 20 Days

So, we're leaving Bishkek soon and heading on back to the land of extra wide theatre seating. In celebration of this fact, and due to my complete lack of blog fodder this evening, I've decided to start listing. Lists are fun. The kids like the lists. Frank O'Hara liked lists and I like Frank O'Hara a lot (I'd hold his hand in public if the dune buggy hadn't gotten him, is what I'm saying), and if it's good enough for Frank, it's good enough for me. Without further ado, our first list:

Number of bootleg DVDs purchased during stay: 12

Number of said DVDs not in English though assured by salesperson they'd be in English: 3

Number of copies of Munich among the 3 non-English DVDs: 2

Number of DVDs involving Catherine Keener: 3

Number involving Hope Davis: 3

Number involving both Catherine Keener & Hope Davis: 0

Degree to which E & I previously considered ourselves Catherine Keener or Hope Davis fans, on a scale of 1 to 10: 4

Degree to which E & I now consider ourselves Catherine Keener or Hope Davis fans, on a scale of 1 to 10: 7

Number of original dozen films involving Asia's "Heat of the Moment": 2

Last time I thought about either Asia or "Heat of the Moment" prior to watching either of those two films: 1987

Favorite scene among the dozen films: The dragon fight in Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, specifically Hermione's exuberant cheering upon Harry's return to the stadium. Cute girl, that Hermione.

Least favorite scene among the dozen films: The camel toe montage in The Weather Man (based entirely on unexpected squirm factor, not so much artistic merit; as I've seen only 12 films during the last 6 months, I'm in no position to be judging artistic merit).

Best gift idea for my post-Stateside-return upcoming birthday: The 3-at-a-time unlimited Netflix membership plan.

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