Monday, April 17, 2006
Wanna See an Eagle Kill a Fox?

Well, someone at the BBC did and they posted the pictures as a slideshow here. It's awesome, in that holy holy, them's some big talons wrapped around that fox's neck! kind of way. Enjoy!
File under: Kyrgyzstan, Hunting, Eagles, and BBC News.
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hey dan,
is the hat seen in picture 4 the traditional eagle hunter hat.
perhaps a fade could be started for the us deer hunters and fisherman.
Hunters could cut out eye holes high up in the hat so they could pull it down to hide their face or just keep their cheeks warm.
and ...
Fisherman, well perhaps lined at top with an inside pocket .. it could be a small tackle box.
Or if not for sport ... just for fools like me that would wear it
is the hat seen in picture 4 the traditional eagle hunter hat.
perhaps a fade could be started for the us deer hunters and fisherman.
Hunters could cut out eye holes high up in the hat so they could pull it down to hide their face or just keep their cheeks warm.
and ...
Fisherman, well perhaps lined at top with an inside pocket .. it could be a small tackle box.
Or if not for sport ... just for fools like me that would wear it
The hat in question is a kolpak, which is the traditional Kyrgyz hat. Walking down the street at any point in the year anywhere in the country, you will pass at least six people wearing one. Most of them are men, but occasionally a women in a kolpak will pop up, too. I've been told they're brilliant fishing hats. There is one heading home with us with your name on it. Well, for you, anyway, not actually embroidered with your name or anything. This ain't Disney Land, ya know.
And just for the record, does anyone have any idea what the hell he's doing in that 4th picture?
And just for the record, does anyone have any idea what the hell he's doing in that 4th picture?
... could it be he is adding ...
steriods or some type of performance enhancer through the rear end of the bird to add speed during flight
jet fuel ... activated when the bird becomes excited and lets wind
Or could it be he is just curious in away us westerners just would not understand.
steriods or some type of performance enhancer through the rear end of the bird to add speed during flight
jet fuel ... activated when the bird becomes excited and lets wind
Or could it be he is just curious in away us westerners just would not understand.
Is that the same Eagle in 1 and 5? is 5 an eagle or a falcon? An eagle can kill a fox? I feel better because I know this: an eagle can kill a fox--I had no idea. I mean this without irony, seriously (I can't help it--I just sound like this).
Here's something else for you: golden eagles can take down full-grown deer, sheep, and, in the event you pissed off the hunter, a full-grown huhmanimal as well.
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