Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Developing Dial-Up

I just spent over an hour trying to upload a one minute QuickTime video of E doing a Buster Keaton routine with some wee slippers we were given as a gift and failing to realize that I was filming though the camera was roughly a half foot away from her head. It ends in serious laughter. (It's much funnier than that description may have let on. Really.) But, alas, it is not for you. The dial-up in these parts doesn't cater to such things. Hell, the high speed connection friends of ours have in their apartment is only marginally faster than our dial-up. So, no video for you, Internet. And I got nothing on deck. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow...

In the meantime, go explore the Urban Dictionary and find all the slang you never knew you needed. My favorite today: Man Cookies.

I haven't read this in like a month. and I can't seem to locate your email. So:
-I'm sorry about Paige. I tend to feel the same way about dogs as I do about people and I liked her.
-Kings' Quest? Hey Indian pass me that fat Doobie.
-New TOOL 10,000 Days is lovely.
-I haven't used shaving cream in 3 years. Welcome to freedom.
-I fell in the shower a couple years ago. Humiliating.
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